Thursday 13 December 2012

Jacob Roberts as a killer

Jacob Tyler Roberts shared big plans with friends. He told a former girlfriend that he should buy in Southeast Portland sandwich shop where he worked. He said a former companion that he was going to Hawaii. And so he said that he had inherited a lot of money.

But the day after, that he should fly away to her new life, the 22-year-old Portland man instead resulted in Clackamas Town Center. Wearing a white hockey mask and a vest with a bullet, investigators said Roberts stormed the mall with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and opened fire on holiday shoppers in the food court and killed two people.

As entrepreneurs spread, Roberts continued his rampage through the mall, injuring a teenage girl, Clackamas County sheriff's officials said. He made his way back along the corridor and down a flight of stairs before fatally arms to himself.

Ongoing coverage of 11 shooting in December 2012 in Clackamas Town Center that left three people dead.Every implication, authorities said Roberts acted alone.

The news shocked his friends, school acquaintances and others who said the fun loving man never showed any indications of violence in the past or in the days leading up to the killings.

"I'm not in my head," says Benjamin Eshbach, a friend who saw Roberts last Friday. No one seemed odd, he said, noting that both his happy self Roberts. "Hard to imagine him any other way. May not be right."

A woman believed to be suspected gunman aunt, Tami Roberts, tearfully denied the comment, except to say: "I love my son very much." He seemed to Jacob Roberts raised from a young age. A note written on his behalf and delivered to the local television station said he "had no understanding or explanation for the behavior of his son .... He was very sad and want to know all that he so sorry (for) what Jake has done so out of his character. "

Investigators said they did not know Roberts' motives. He had no significant criminal history. Court records show two speeding tickets this year and eviction cases from his apartment in Happy Valley in July. Records also show suspended his Oregon driver's license and commercial driver's license.

Jacob Tyler Roberts
Clackamas County Sheriff A Facebook page that appears Roberts' says his interests include shooting, and that he liked television shows "breaking Bad" about a terminally ill person who turns to a life of crime, irreverent animated show "South Park," "Dexter" with serial killers and movie "Requiem for a Dream" in addiction and drug trafficking. He also liked the heavy rap, Metalcore, Beatles and baseball.

The picture above shows street art with the word "canceled" written over "Follow your dreams."

He was described as weak and courteous Oregon City High School, where he went for a year and graduated in 2008. He went to Clackamas Community College for a year.

Audrey Rook, a classmate at Milwaukie High School, recalled that "all he cared about was to make people laugh." He was the type of person to walk across the street to help elderly neighbors carry groceries, he said.

Friends are now looking for clues to what might have happened, or sign Roberts had problems. He had broken up with a girlfriend during the summer, a friend said. He left his job behind the counter last month Big Bertha sandwich shop on Southeast Hawthorne familiar Arianna said Johnson, who see him regularly at the store.

He said the Johnson and others that he had just inherited a large sum of money from a relative and are considering moving to Hawaii, travel the island and decide whether to stay there permanently.

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