Saturday 1 December 2012

Liz & Dick.

Why not? He's getting everything. 26-year rap sheet is longer than many rappers athletes, but rarely do you see him behind bars. Logan is slugged by people and dogs as they chased his car, he's busted for cocaine and almost got away with.

In February 2011, police said Logan stealing a $ 2,500 necklace jewelry store in California. He was sentenced to 120 days in prison, but will get community service instead. He was not performed, so after 7 November, a judge sent him to jail for 30 days. Logan was out in a few hours.

In June, he crashed his Porsche into 18-wheeler and authorities say lied to police, saying her assistant was driving. He was charged with a California on Thursday - the same day he was arrested for assault in New York.

Here is my question: What if a black or Hispanic man commits the same crime, and Lindsay Logan is accused of?

"If (one of my clients) stolen necklace is worth more than $ 1000, a judge may reduce the felony petite larceny, a misdemeanor, if he had no previous record," said the defender William top lawyer Rita. "In the best case, they have three years of probation. However, if the test violated, they would be imprisoned."

It remains to be seen whether a judge on both coasts Lindsay Logan treated like anyone else who breaks the law.

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